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Se afișează postările cu eticheta Cruise Ship. Afișați toate postările

joi, 25 aprilie 2013

Cam care sunt salariile in Industria de Croaziere?

Pun pariu ca multi dintre voi v-ati intrebat cam cat se castiga pe un vas de croaziera. Ei bine salariile difera de la o companie la alta. Diferenta este de +/- 200- 500 EURO sau USD (depinde in ce valuta se platesc salariile).  Pe vasele de croaziera oceanice salariile sunt in USD pentru departamentul hotelier, in schimb pe vasele de croaziera pe rauri angajatii sunt platiti in EURO
Marea majoritate a companiilor obisnuiesc sa faca diferente intre nationalitati, asadar un Roman nu va avea acelasi salariu cu un Britanic, dar nici nu va fi platit ca un Filipinez. Britanicul castiga mai mult, iar Filipinezul mai putin, Romanul fiind undeva intre. La salariile de baza se adauga tips-ul si in functie de departament, bonus-ul din vanzari.
V-am pregatit o lista cu salariile (aproximative) din industria de croaziere.

Lectura placuta

Bar department
Asst. bartender
G.B.P. 1.200,- U.S.$ 2.000,- and up
Asst. bar manager
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.400,- and up
Asst. bar supervisor
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- and up and tips
Asst. public rooms manager
G.B.P. 1700,- plus bonus and up
Bar accountant
U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.400,- / 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
Bar manager
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- and up
Bar supervisor
U.S. $ 1.300, - / 1.750,-
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.600,-
Bar waiter
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.200,-
Bar waitress
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.000,-
Head wine steward
U.S. $ 1800,- / 2.500,- / 3.000,-
Lady bartender
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.300,- / 2.600,-
Piano lounge waitress
U.S. $ 1900,-
Public rooms manager
G.B.P. 2.200,- and up plus bonus
Senior bar manager
U.S. $ 2.600,- / 2.500,- / 2.700,-
Wine steward
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.500,- / 2.900,-
Beauty salon
Asst. salon manager
U.S. $ 1.400,-- / 1.800,- / 2.000,- / 2.900,-
U.S. $ 1.000,-- / 1.300,- / 2.300,-
Beauty therapist
U.S. $ 1.000,-- / 1.300,- / 1.600, - and up
U.S. $ 1.500,-- / 2.400,- and up
Massage therapist
U.S. $ 1.750,- / 3.600,- and up
Massage / holistic therapist
G.B.P. 400,- and commissions
Salon manager
U.S. $ 2.000,-- / 2.300,- / 3.800,- and up
Casino department
Asst. casino manager
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.000,- / 3.100,- and up
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Casino dealer
U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.900,- / 2.400,- and up
Casino manager
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- / 3.800,- and up
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.800,- and up
Slot technician
U.S.. $ 2.000,- / 2.500,- and up
Deck dep.
U..S $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.800,- and up
U.S. $ 5.000,- / 5.400,- / 5.771,- / 5.800,- / 9.800,-
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.534,- / 1.700,- / 1.900,-
Chief officer
U.S. $ 3.750,- /  4.000,- / 4.738,- 
Chief radio officer
U.S. $ 1.800,- /  2.733,- / 3.100,-  and up
Deck attendants
U.S. $ 900,- / 1.200,- and up
First officer
U.S. $ 3.050,- / 3.300,- /  3.700,- / 4.300,-
Junior third officer
U.S. $ 1.400,- /  1.700,- / 1.900,- / 2.220,-
Radio officer
U..S $ 1.500,- /  2.100,- / 2.500,- and up
U.S. $ 1.425,- / 1.534,-  and up
Safety officer
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.600,- and up
Second officer
U.S. $ 2.200,- / 2.400,- / 2.900,- / 3.300,- and up
Security officer
U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.400,- / 1.425,- / 1.700, - / 2.600,- / 3.200,- and up
Staff captain
U.S. $ 4.500,- / 5.000,- / 7.800,- and up
Third officer
U.S. $ 2.200,- /  2.700,- / 3.100,- and up
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.500,- and up
Dining Room / F&B
Asst. waiter/ tress
see: busboy
Asst. F and B manager
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.700,- / 2.100,- and up
Asst. restaurant manager
U.S. $ 2.500,- / 2.600,- / 2.800,- and up
Asst. restaurant manager
G.B.P. 1300,- and up
U.S. $.1.400, / 1.500,- / 1.600,-/ 2.500,- / 3.000,-
Dining room waiter / waitress
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.300,- / 3.600,- and up
F and B manager
U.S. $ 2.800,- / 3.200,- / 3.500,- and up
U.S. $ 2.500,- / 4.800,-
G.B.P. 1.400,- and up
Lido supervisor
G.B.P. 1300,- plus gratuities and up
Maitre  D' hotel
see: restaurant manager
Restaurant manager
US $ 2.000,- / 2.600,- / 4.000,- / 5.400,- and up
Restaurant manager
G.B.P. 2.400,- and up, plus gratuities
Restaurant stewardess
G.B.P. 1.000,- and up
Waiter see:
dining room waiter
Engineering dep.
Air conditioning technician
U.S. $ 2.100,- / 2.800,- and up
Asst. electronic technician
U.S. $ 2.100,- / 2.500,- and up
Barge engineer
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Chief airco electrician
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.400,- / 3.200,- and up
Chief electrician
U.S. $ 2.900,- / 3.300,- / 3.900,- and up
Chief electronic technician
U.S. $ 2.600,- / 3.250,- / 3.500,- and up
Chief engineer
U.S. $ 4.800,- / 5.000,- / 5.500,- / 5.600,- / 8.700,-
Deck engine mechanic
U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.700,- and up
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.900,- / 1.924,- / 2.400,- / 2.900,-
Deck and engine cadet
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- and up
Engine repairman
U.S. $ 2.700,- / 3.200,- and up
Engine storekeeper
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.100,- and up
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.400,- / 1.800,- and up
First engineer
U.S. $ 3.500,- / 3.900,- / 4.000,- / 4.300,- / 5.400,-
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.700,- / 1.800,- and up
Junior engineer
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.600,- / 1.924,- and up
Junior third engineer
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.300,- and up
U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.900,- and up
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.900,- and up
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
Pump man
U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.600,- and up
Second engineer
U.S. $ 2.500,- / 3.050,- / 3.100,- / 3.400,- / 4.800,-
Tanker man
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
Third engineer
U.S. $ 2.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.300,- / 2.600,- / 2.900,- 
U.S. $ 600,- / 1.000,- / 1.300,- and up
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Entertainment / cruise staff
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Administrative asst.
U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.500,- and up
Aerobics instructor
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.200,- and up
Asst. cruise director
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.500,- / 2.700,- and up
Asst. cruise director
G.B.P. 2.000,- and up
Asst. production manager
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.600,- and up
Asst. shore excursion manager
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.800,- and up
Asst. stage manager
U.S. $ 1.250,- / 2.350,-  
Cabaret singer
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Classic ensembles
U.S. $ 400,- / 600,- p.w.
Cocktail pianist
U.S. $ 400.- / 600,- p.w.
Cocktail pianist (incl. singing)
U.S. $ 500,- / 900,- p.w.
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
 p.w. - per week ( pe saptamana)
Contemporary band 
- duo
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.500,- p.w.
- quintet
U.S. $ 1.450,- / 2.000,- p.w.
- sextet
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 3.000,- p.w.
- septet
U.S. $ 2.300,- / 3.500,- p.w.
Contemporary duo
U.S. $ 700,- / 1.500,- p.w.
Cruise director
U.S. $ 3.200,- / 6.000,- / 7.500,- and up
Cruise staff
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.400,- / 1.850,- / 2.000,- and up
Cruise sales manager
G.B.P. 1.800,- and up, and commission
Cruise staff steward
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.850,- / 2.200,- and up
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Disc jockey
U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.650,- and up
Dive instructor
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 1.900,- / 2.100,- and up
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- and up
Fashion consultant
U.S. $ 840,- and up plus bonus and commissions
Feature instrumentalist
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,-
Fitness director
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up
Fitness instructor
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.100,- and up
Gentleman dance host
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.700,- and up
Guest entertainers
U.S. $ 4.000,- / 18.000,- and up
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
International host(ess)
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.200,- and up
International host(ess)
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- and up
Island band
- solo
U.S. $ 400,- /    600,- p.w.
- duo
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.200,- p.w.
- trio
U.S. $ 900,- / 1.500,- p.w.
- quartet
U.S. $ 1.100,- / 2.000 p.w.
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Juggler duo
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Lounge groups
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.400,- and up
Lounge performer
U.S. $ 2.400,- / 3.500,- / 4.800,- and up
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.200,- and up
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Novelty artist
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Port lecturer
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.400,- and up
Production manager
U.S. $ 2.400,- / 3.000,- / 3.100,- and up
U.S. $ 1.400,- / 2.000,- p.w.
Second asst. stage manager
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.100,- and up
Shore/ excursion manager
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- / 4.000,- and up
Show band
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.700,- and up
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.800,- and up
Social host
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- / 1.600,- / 2.200,- and up
Social hostess
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.400,- and up
Sports director
US $ 1.200,- / 1.700,- and up
Stage helper
U.S. $ 300,- / 400,- p.w.
Stage manager
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.500,- and up
Sound and light technician
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.100,- and up
Strolling musicians
- solo
U.S. $ 400,- / 600,- p.w.
- duo
U.S. $ 700,- / 1.200,- p.w.
- trio
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.500,- p.w.
- quartet
U.S. $ 1.400,- / 2.000,- p.w.
Television technician
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 1.900,- / 2.100,- and up
Tour manager / asst.
U.S. $ 2.300,- and up
U.S. $ 1.050,- / 1.400,- p.w.
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 3.000,- p.w.
Video grapher
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.000,- and up
Video technician
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up 
Water / sports instructor
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Youth activities co-ordinator
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- / 1.870,- / 2.100,- and up
F&B department / front desk
Asst. F&B controller
G.B.P. 2.400,- and up
Asst. hotel manager
U.S. $ 2.500,- / 3.100,- and up
Asst. purser
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.650,- / 1.800,- / 1.900,- and up
Chief purser
U.S. $ 3.000,- / 4.000,- / 5.800,- and up
Chief yeoman
U.S. $ 3.000,- / 4.000,- and up
G.B.P. 2000,- and up
G.B.P. 1.800,- and up
Crew purser
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.000,- and up
Deputy purser
U.S. $ 3.800,- / 4.700,- and up
F&B controller
G.B.P. 1.700,- and up
First purser
U.S. $ 1.800,- / 2.100,- and up
Guest services co-ordinator
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.100,- and up
Guest services purser
G.B.P. 1.400,- and up
Hotel asst.
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.100,- and up
Hotel managers admin. asst.
G.B.P. 1.300,- and up
Hotel controller
U.S. $ 1.600,- / 2.100,- and up
Hotel manager
U.S. $ 3.800,- / 5.600,- and up
Junior auditor
U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.700,- / 1.800,- and up
Junior asst. purser
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.300,- and up
Night hotel officer
G.B.P. 1800,- and up
Program co-ordinator
U.S. $ 1.400,- / 1.600,- / 1.900,- and up
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.800,- and up
U.S. $ 2.300,- / 3.200,- and up
G.B.P. 2160,- and up
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.900,- / 2.000,- and up
Second purser
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.500,- / 2.000,- and up
Senior auditor
U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.700,- and up
Senior concierge
G.B.P. 2000,- and up
Third purser
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 2.000,- and up
Utility stewardess
G.B.P. 1.000,- and up
U.S. $ 2.500,- / 3.000,- and up
Yeoman asst.
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.300,- and up
Galley department
All round cook
see: chef de partie / first cook
Asst. crew cook
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.900,- and up
Asst. executive chef
U.S. $ 3.000,- / 3.400,- / 4.100,- and up
Asst. provision master
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.600,- and up
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.100,- and up 
Bread baker
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.800,- and up 
Baker trainee
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.300,- and up
U.S. $ 900,- / 1.300,- and up
G.B.P. 2050,- and up
Butcher supervisor
U.S. $ 1.300,- / 1.500,- and up
Butcher trainee
U.S. $ 600,- / 1.000,- and up
Chef de partie
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.000,- / 2.200, -/ 2.700,- and up
Chef de partie
G.B.P. 1.000,- / 1.500,- and up
Chef tournant
U.S. $ 2.300,- / 2.500,- and up
Coffee man
U.S. $ 436,- / 500,- and up
Executive chef
US $ 3.500,- / 3.900,- / 4.500,- 4.700,- and up
Executive chef
G.B.P. 3000,- and up
Executive sous chef
G.B.P. 2400,- and up
First baker
U.S. $ 1.100,- / 2.000,- and up
First cook / chef de partie
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.700,- / 2.200,- and up
First pastry man
U.S. $ 1.100,- / 2.300,- and up
Galley steward
G.B.P. 1350,- and up
Pastry chef
U.S. $ 2.300,- / 3.000,- / 3.500,- and up 
Pastry chef supervisor
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 1.800,- / 2.100,- / 3.500,- and up
Pastry trainee
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.200,- and up 
Provision master
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.500,- / 2.000,- / 2.450,- and up
Sanitation officer
G.B.P. 1750,- and up
Second baker
U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.900,- and up
Second cook
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Second pastry man
U.S. $ 1.100,- / 1.800,- and up
Sous chef
U.S. $ 2.800,- / 3.000,- / 3.400,- and up
Sous chef
G.B.P. 2050,- and up
Third cook
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.200,- / 1.600,- and up
Third pastry man
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.100,- / 1.700,- and up
Gift shop
Asst. gift shop manager
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 2.000,- / 2.300, - and up
Gift shop manager
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.500,- / 3.100, - and up
Jewellery sales person
U.S. $ 1.500, / 1.800,- and up
Retail sales
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.600,- and up
Shop asst.
U.S. $ 1.400,- / 2.000,- and up
Housekeeping department
Asst. head housekeeping
U.S. $ 2.400,- and up
Asst. cabin stewardess
U.S.$ 1.300,- / 1.500,- / 1.700,- and up
Asst. chief housekeeper
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 1.900,- / 2.500,- and up
Asst. laundry supervisor
U.S. $ 800,- / 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Bell boy
U.S. $ 500,- / 600,- and up
Bell captain
U.S. $ 600,- / 800,- / 1.100,- / 1.300,- and up
Cabin stewardess
U.S. $  1.600,- / 2.400,- / 2.500,- and up
Cabin stewardess
G.B.P. 1.000,- and up
Chief housekeeper
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 3.000,- / 3.800,- and up
Cleaner utility
U.S. $ 535, -/  600,- / 800,- and up
Head room steward
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.500,- / 2.800,- and up
Floor supervisor
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- 2.400,- / 3.200,- and up
U.S. $ 2.500,- and up, per month fixed salary
Laundry supervisor
U.S. $ 1.000,- / 1.200,- and up
Linen keeper
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up 
Room steward
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up
Store keeper
U.S. $ 1.500,- / 2.200,- and up
Chief doctor
U.S. $ 4.800,- / 6.400,- and up
U.S. $ 4.000,- / 5.000,-/  5.200,- / 6.666.- and up
Registered nurse
U.S. $ 2.100,- and up
U.S. $ 1.534,- / 1.800,- / 2.500,- and up
Photo department / photo shop
Asst. photo manager
U.S. $ 1.700,- / 2.200.- 2.400,- and up
Photo manager
U.S. $ 2.000,- / 2.700,- / 3.000,- and up
U.S. $ 1.200,- / 1.300,- / 1.600,- / 2.100,-